
Frequently asked questions(FAQ)

CRALI INSTITUTE is a Business school. We provide teaching in different field of business, management, administration, language and computer.

We offer training in our school, we can also send our teacher in your company if needed, but we offer also online trainig. We have qualified teachers in each field. We work together with accredited colleges and universities, to make sure that the training is up to date and fitting to the level of highest education. We combine a wide range of features to present a class setting without having the students come into a physical classroom. About online programm we to create classes, share coursework, enroll students, and evaluate the students with quizzes.

With the pandemic periode, it is safe to respect distanciation measures, so instead of beeng present in a classroom with many other students, it is beneficial to learn from home and remain protected from contamination. The online programm is verry appreciated by many responsible workers who need learning new abilities, so that they pursue the training on their pace and at their convenient time.

Employees often learn from each other, and a majority of learning in an organization is informal learning – or learning in the flow of work. It’s important to encourage and capture organization-wide collaboration for increased productivity, social learning, and cross-team communication. 

A modern learning institution should encourage collaborative learning – the ability to follow and share colleague updates, join communities, discuss projects and learning, and share appreciation and knowledge across multiple teams. As employee expectation and required skills shift, it’s important to capture informal learning, and drive increased adoption of a common learning system with modern capabilities.

We do not offer free trials. If you enroll and decide within 24 ours that CRALI INSTITUTE isn’t going to be the right fit for your project, you are eligible for reimbursement of 50%, per our refund policy.

All customers receive access to start-up guides, documentation, community forums, and help desk via the LearnDash Support site. Please see our Support Policy for additional details.

We offer 24/5 support primarily via forums and email, which we have found to be the most efficient means for both our customers and our support staff.

By default, all web pages are served using HTTPS. Our Amazon cloud infrastructure is hosted in a virtual private cloud. All personal passwords are encrypted. Our e-commerce integration is PCI compliant, and financial data never even touches our servers.

 All access to files, such as images and videos, are via URLs that are individually encrypted for each user to prevent unauthorized sharing of resources. Our database is encrypted at rest.

Absolutely! You can get a share link for each course that allows an end-user to complete it without having to register first.